Other Books by Judith Koll Healey

Frederick Weyerhaeuser and the American West

The Weyerhaeuser name looms large in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Washington, and Arkansas, attached to paper mills, cabinet factories, and vast tracts of land, both forested and cut over. Frederick Weyerhaeuser, the man who started the lumber empire, significantly shaped the American economy and landscape from Wisconsin westward in the nineteenth century.

Book One

The Canterbury Papers

This historical novel opens in the year 1200. Alais Capet, once in line for the throne, is a middle-aged spinster, an aging Princess of France who lives in Paris at the mercy of her brother and his court. Her youthful betrothal to Richard the Lionheart, King of England, was never consummated and Alais blames her stepmother, Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine. (Richard married another, selected by Eleanor). All the bitterness she felt over the failed betrothal returns with the arrival of a letter from her stepmother that contains an outrageous demand and a promise.

The demand: That Alais retrieve letters that Eleanor had written to Thomas Becket, long hidden in the wall of Canterbury Cathedral. In return the Queen is willing to give her estranged stepdaughter information on a child Alais believed dead, the love child of her youth.

The letter sets Alais on a journey and adventure that transforms her life.
A masterful blend of history and imagination, the often-mysterious events in this novel are based upon a situation that was hinted at in the chronicles of the time, but never elaborated upon or proved.

Book Two

The Rebel Princess

The compelling 2nd installment of the popular 13th century mystery following the exploits of the french princess Alais Capet…

Princess Capet, sister to King Philippe Auguste of France, battles corrupt court officials, religious fanatics and her beloved Lord William as she engages a band of underground Cathar noblewomen to assist her in the rescue of her illegitimate son Francis, a young knight whose very existence could unsettle the thrones of England and France.

The Fire Thief – A Life in Poems

A collection of published and previously unpublished poems written over decades.

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